Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Mother Earth's Green Skin

On Tuesday, I spent some time playing video poker at South Point and then watched a $1.00 movie at Regency Theaters on the corner of Trop and Pecos. Danielle declined these activities since the casino environment isn't up her ally and the movie started at her bedtime.

South Point is still proving to me that it may be one of the only casinos in town that is still doing things right! They sent out a general mailer (not addressed to me, just to resident) that included coupons like the $15 free slot play that I used, 2-for-1 buffet, free pop and popcorn at the theater, etc. So I headed over there to use the free play and turned their $15 in free play (plus my $1 to activate it) into a cash out of $41! Total investment on my part = $1 while cash out = $40.....with $2 going to the drink lady.

At around 9pm, I headed out of South Point to get over to the cheapo theater for some viewing entertainment. $1 for the movie plus $7.75 for the nachos and Mountain Dew. Normally the movies there cost $1.50, but you can get in for just a buck on Tuesdays. I almost NEVER buy stuff at movie theater concessions, but I always try to get stuff at this place. They obviously don't make their money selling $1.50 movie tickets and I want this place to survive! I used to make it a point to actually spend $10 every time I went there since that's what a regular movie ticket goes for at the "real" theaters, but since they reduced their normal movie prices from $3 to $1.50, its actually hard to spend ten bucks now!

As for the movie, well, I got my $1 worth! It wasn't a total miss, but I won't go out of my way to watch it again. It seemed like they created a really great back story and did nothing with it. But then again....$1.

I got a message on my voicemail on the way home from the theater. Chris has worked 26 straight days at City Center and, before his current break, was watching over some guy betting three hands on blackjack at 50 grand per hand. Casinos normally call these guys wales. Maybe I'll start calling them goats.

The total profit for my night comes to $29.25, minus gas.


Jamie in PA said...

LOVE the goat pic!! We too like South Point. Hope your New Year is good!!