Thursday, November 13, 2008

T2V Extravaganza!

Last week "Jamie in PA" visited my dice table and this week saw two more visits from T2V'ers! "Jimbucc" and his wife showed up at my table on Tuesday, which means they hold the record at 3 for most amount of times I've personally dealt to somebody I know. In fact, I've dealt to them on 3 separate occasions at 3 DIFFERENT properties. I first dealt a little blackjack to them at Sunset Station, then some dice at Boulder Station when we ran across each other out of complete coincidence. Then the small dice session Tuesday at my current place on the Strip. Its always great to see them, although I wish they could catch a good roll now and then!

Yesterday saw "Illinois Marty" show up at the dice table about an hour after calling to make sure I was there. After a very quick beating on his initial buy-in, Marty caught a couple hot rolls and made it out of there with a very nice profit. He also became a dice crew favorite almost immediately due to his very generous dealer bets, which allowed us to turn a very dry day at the table into a day when many green found its way into the toke box!!! Thanks again Marty!!!

And in a week of coincidence, I actually dealt to a guy that I went to dealers school in Detroit with 2 years ago. I hadn't seen him since then and we almost didn't recognize each other. It was busy and I wasn't able to get his "story", but I guess he is actually dating one of the cocktail waitresses at my place, which meant the dice table got slightly better service for the time period he was in there!

In case anybody is wondering, I can pretty much deal to anyone that I know as long as it is not family. I'd say its an unspoken agreement that dealers also avoid dealing to extremely close friends or significant others.

Today (Thursday) was a day that I was supposed to have off. In fact, I stayed up last night trying to catch up on stuff on the DVR and was surfing the internet until around 5:30am. Well, at 10:20am work called asking if I'd like to come in at 12noon. I was tired as s**t and wasn't feeling too well, but I've NEVER turned down an extra shift since moving to Vegas and I wasn't about to do it today. After the 3-day work-week I had last week, this extra day made this week a 5-day week, which is extremely nice come paycheck time. Due to being very worn out and a little sick to my stomach, I was actually hoping to get an "easy" string instead of a dice or all blackjack string. I got my wish as they put me on the not-so-coveted single-deck BJ, War, Big Six Wheel string! Most dealers despise this string, but for me, it was right up my ally today! Although I must say it was a very weird shift which saw TWO 40-1 hits on the wheel in consecutive spins (the total payout for the two spins was $640) and black, table maximum action on the War table! It wasn't a bad shift, but it also wasn't the brainless yawnfest I was actually hoping for!

In case you're wondering what I'm doing for fun these days, it seems the Pinball Museum is becoming a semi-regular stop! Whenever Danielle and I go out there, it seems we can spend about 2 hours of delightful pinball entertainment on about $5 in quarters each! There's also a small $3 per movie, $1 per hot dog movie theater opening back up next to the Pinball place in a couple of days. So I can definitely see that getting into the regular rotation for Danielle and my "date night" every Wednesday! Who cares what movies are playing....its 3 freakin' dollars!!

Oh, and tomorrow night we are splurging and going out for some all-you-can-eat sushi! It'll be the second time we've done this together since the first time when it was her request. I was a little apprehensive the first time, but I'm wholly sold on the idea now! Bring on the raw fish!!!


Anonymous said...

Next time I will play the dark side and then the table will probably get hot for the pass line bets.

Anonymous said...

WOW, I am impressed a native Ohioan is open to trying something as exotic as sushi, and liking it! Not trying to paint Ohioans with a broad stroke, the ones I knew just arent into sampling different food.people I knew from CBUS/CI stuck with Waffle House, Bob Evans, white castle. Red Lobster would be considered "ethnic". Wouldnt dare try Panda express! So kudos to you Rob, for trying something new and keeping an open mind!