Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Party is officially over!

Remember two posts ago when I claimed to bring home the largest paycheck in my life. I still believe that's true (just got deposited last Thursday). Unfortunately, the party's over. I AM working another 6-day week this week, but that's only because one of the main dice dealers at work got suspended last week and they needed me to fill in some extra dice shifts. That part about tips being over $100 every day sure was great, but we EARNED EVERY PENNY, and now burn-out has set in. This past week we've only seen tips in the $70 range, even though the place is still almost as busy as in week's past. Last Friday was only $78, one of the worst Friday's I've ever seen at my current joint, and with tax time rolling in, it may get even worse!

So at this point I'm just counting the days until my 4-day weekend with Danielle (starting a mind boggling 6 weeks from now on May 21st) and our long weekend trip to Zion. Until then, I guess I just need to motivate myself to make the donuts every day!


Unknown said...

sorry to hear about your tip situation - hope it picks up as summer approaches. But at least you still have a job unlike that large ex-roomie of yours! It sucks, they fired him for taking home food from the employee dining room! He now has to resort to panhandling on his site for donations, which really sucks.

Here is to you hanging in there until your little vacay! Make sure you blog more, you gots some skills!