Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And Bingo was his Name-O

Without much time or inclination to write these days, I thought I'd follow Tony's advice and at least get something up after that ridiculous movie clip. So I'll just let everyone know that after MANY times playing Bingo at the Southpoint, Danielle and I finally had the opportunity to yell out that special five-letter word Monday night.......TWICE!!!

After the usual Monday night poker night fell through, my roommates and I (along with Danielle) headed over to Southpoint to partake in the 11pm bingo session followed by $1 midnight bowling.

About midway into the session, O-62 came through for us for a $50 win (split with nobody). On the last game of the session (a game where you had to cover the entire card) our last 4 numbers came in succession and O-69 put us over the top for another $250!! Not bad for an $11 investment, split two-ways between myself and Danielle.

The irony of it all was the fact that I wasn't really feelin' the bingo bug and almost didn't participate. Southpoint's bingo has an OPEN BAR, and I've been known to just show up and watch my roommates play while I took advantage of the free spirits! But I reluntantly split the buy-in with Danielle and took home a cool $144.50 profit, minus tips.

Oh, and I also averaged 147 between two games of bowling, which isn't bad for me. All-in-all it was a great night!


Anonymous said...

Gotta love o-69!!!!!

Michael said...

O-69 was the big winner, hunh? So did the 69 make you show your O face?

Ok, Ok, it was a horrible attempt at a joke, but it's late.

FleaStiff said...

I always assumed that Bingo was for little old ladies and carried a stiff house-edge, then I went to WizardofOdds website and found out:
"It would be easy for the player to realize a theoretical advantage in bingo, by using good judgement about what kind of cards to buy, when to buy them, and where to play. Once the game starts it is just a matter of luck, but the player can do a lot to improve his odds by scouting out the locations with the least competition, buying the most cost efficient cards, and avoiding the many sucker bets..."

Rob said...

To be honest, Bingo does carry a rather high house edge (probably the highest house edge game I'm willing to play). However, the 11pm session has the least amount of players in it, we don't purchase any of the "sucker bet" sheets (with the exception of one $1 "cover-all" game in the middle of the session, and the whole hour of gambling only costs us $5.50 each. Plus, did I mention there's an OPEN BAR!!!!!! When I'm not driving, that usually equates to 5 or 6 decently made adult beverages every session!

FleaStiff said...

Open Bar !!!!!!
Well, that would be a deciding factor for me too. I just now checked the Stations Big3 website and ALL their casinos have the Big3 bet at well below the $3,517 prize wherein it turns into a Positive Expectation for the player.
Can you imagine what a deal it would be to have: an 11:00pm game with few players, no sucker cards, lots of free drinks AND a Positive Expectation Big3 progressive bet?