Monday, January 12, 2009


I've heard crack is addictive. So is Netflix. That is why I have no time to update my blog!


Anonymous said...

This is exactly why they have different tiers. First you get one movie at a time....and then after a while it doesnt have the same effect so you get 3 at a time. Then you start watching movies online while waiting on the mail to come the next day. The next thing you know your dropping cable, have no social life, and your arteries are filled with fake butter topping.

At this point you start hoping that all the movies can stream to your TV soon because walking to the mailbox is becoming a chore.

The news of Dominoes being able to stream orders while watching netflix movies brings joy to your world. As long as the door is unlocked so the delivery guy could bring it directly to your couch.

I hope the new surgeon general puts a label on netflix.

Anonymous said...

I assume this means you discovered the on demand movies.


Anonymous said...

I hope you did have time to watch your beloved Steelers. Watch out, the Ravens are definately gonna bring it. Between the 2 teams I probably hate the Ravens more than the Steelers, so I will be rooting for Pittsburgh.