Wednesday, January 28, 2009

And J-U-R-Y was his Name-O

No real update at this time except to say that I have officially been summoned to jury duty! It's my first time, so any pointers would be appreciated. The first week of March will be my reporting date, so unfortunately I might miss out on a few good tip days at work during the Madness, but from what I understand, my responsibilities will probably not exceed one week and may be as little as one day.

Too bad this didn't happen a few months ago. I would love to have sat in on the OJ trial!!


FleaStiff said...

Most places are rather speedy nowadays. Some are "one-day or one trial" while others are "one week or one trial". So if you are not seated on a jury panel during that time period you are through, otherwise you serve for whatever the length of that one trial turns out to be.
Despite the increasing efficiencies, be sure to take something to read with you!

Anonymous said...

Everyone basically gets the opportunity to "defer" service until a later date. Log into the web site on the summons, register or confirm your info ro whatever they make you do, and then defer your date. The system should let you choose a date to defer to. If you can, defer to a Friday before a long holiday weekend. Or at least a Friday.

You'll still have to check in the night before your new date, but the odds that they're going to need new jurors on a Friday before a holiday weekend are practically nil, so you most likely won't have to go in.

Generally, once you have deferred and not been required to come in on the day you were supposed to, your duty is "discharged" and you won't need to worry about it for a while. (I can't remember if it's a year or two or what.)

I've done that twice so far in Nevada and have never had to report.

Rob said...


That's an extremely intriguing ploy. I'll take that under major consideration. My reporting date is March 2nd. If I defer, I have to pick a date within 90 days of March 2nd, which May 22nd would fit. May 22nd is the Friday before Memorial Day weekend.

One thing though is I'm not sure I really want to "get out" of jury duty. Like fleastiff described above, it'll only take a week of my time at most. If I'm not put on a jury, it'll only take a day. If I am, the average trial is only 3-5 days. I'm still not sure if my work will re-imburse me for lost wages for the week. It it does, then I'll probably just go through with it on March 2nd. The possible experience of being on a jury piques my curiosity.

Anonymous said...


Oh heck yeah! I served on a jury when I lived in Florida and it was very interesting. Darn near fun, I'd even say. I figure that most people try to get out of jury service, and my method is fairly easy, which is why I posted it.

On the other hand, serving is a very good thing. If I got paid (my current job doesn't pay for jury service) I'd serve here in Nevada in a heartbeat. I can afford a day or two without pay, but a whole week would dent the budget a bit much. (Long story, but all is well. I simply can't risk it right now.)

If you serve, we want details. And if you decide you don't want to serve right now, I hope my method can help you with that.