Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cathedral Rock

We went hiking again on Monday and accomplished another two hikes up at Mt. Charleston. We first did Cathedral Rock, which is 1.4 miles one-way up 1,000 feet. The other was a very small hike called Little Falls, which was only 1/4 of a mile one-way. However, after Cathedral Rock, Little Falls was pretty tiring due to the elevation change on that one too! It really took me off-guard and I was extremely tired after our hiking....even having to force myself to stay awake at the wheel on the way home! I did take a few pics of Little Falls, but I won't post them because just about every pic shows canyon walls with graffiti on them, which is pretty ugly.

Here are a few pics from Cathedral Rock.

Here's the sign for the trailhead in the parking lot.

This is looking up 1,000 feet at Cathedral Rock

This is looking up at our destination as we start to wrap around the south side of it. We are now walking through a big avalanche chute.

Looking down you can see the trail. Somewhere in that area is where I took the previous pic.

We've made it to the top in this picture. If you look really closely (try clicking on the pic to make it bigger), you can see the trailhead parking lot. My car is the fourth from the left.
This is looking east through Kyle Canyon, which is where the road is leading in and out.

For anyone thinking they've come a long way, this is looking up at Charleston Peak (the only peak above the tree-line). It's WAY up there!