Monday, June 1, 2009

A Lost Blogger

For those of you who still check in from time to time, I'm sorry for the severe lack of posts lately. One bad influence that Danielle has introduced me to is the TV series Lost. I started watching it with her last year about midway through the fourth season and we've watched every episode together through the season 5 finale a couple weeks ago. Well, the past week I've taken it upon myself to rent the entire season 1-3 and watch them continuously almost every single night. I just wrapped up season 3 last night, and for those of you in the know, I now know why everybody thinks Ben Linus is such a dick! Although I've enjoyed seasons 4 and 5, I now have a WAY better insight on everything and won't have to repeatedly pause the DVR and ask Danielle what the hell is going on every time we watch a new episode (which sadly won't be until next January). Here's a question, does Dr. Chang have a fake left hand in the Swan orientation video? It looks like he does, which would be explained in the season 5 finale. But he definitely does NOT have a fake left hand in the Pearl orientation video. Both videos were copyrighted 1980. I'm pretty sure the bomb going off IS the "incident" and the timeline will stay intact, but we just can't be sure, can we?!?!

Anyway, as promised last week, I've uploaded some pictures from my first day of hiking last Saturday. Mount Charleston has many different hiking trails, but these pictures are from the one single most popular trail called Mary Jane Falls. Danielle and I will be hiking the Fletcher Canyon trail again this Saturday and will hopefully get further into the canyon for some good pics. I hope you enjoy these Mary Jane pics. They are in no particular order.

Looking out of a cave at the very top of the trail.

Where else can you go find a huge mound of snow in late May in the dessert?

This is Mary Jane Falls looking directly up while being sprayed by its refreshing water!


Anonymous said...

The "incident" could also be just the shootout at the Swan construction site but seeing that the season ended with a flash to white I'm also in the "the bomb was the incident" school of thought.

I think I agree with you about the real arm/fake arm timing. The Pearl film was shot before the accident at the Swan site and the Swan video would not have been filmed until after the Swan construction was finished.

The copyright dates of 1980 were probably re-upped when the orientation films were converted to video. Remember that some of the earlier orientation presentations were on film.