Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No Thanks, Jay.

Good stuff Rob, now u must pick up where Mikey is leaving off for the Summer. This can be theraputic for you, especially if your feeling burnt out from work. Write your days here, even if its the same old thing! Get some use from this Blog!!!


That was a comment left in the Binions trip post below. Jay, thanks a ton for reading and commenting, but I really doubt I have the blogging interest to even attempt to fit the gap that Mikey is leaving by taking a couple months off (let's just see if he's truly serious about that anyway). To give people a sense for the time that blogging can take up, that Binions post took me around 1.5 to 2 hours to complete, including uploading the pics off my phone, writing up the story, adding the pic captions, proofreading, etc. It's just not something I can do on a nightly basis like Mikey has somehow managed to do!

On average, I'm only getting about 50 hits per day during the week and less during the weekend, which is kind of how I like it. I really appreciate any T2V fans and others who wander in here every once in a while, but for the most part, I write my posts with the thought that I know for a fact that only about 10 people are hitting my blog on a daily basis (you know who you are).

Here are examples that I spend my time on a daily basis BEFORE thinking about blogging:
- Work
- Girlfriend
- Netflix
- What's on the DVR (includes Deadliest Catch, Suze Orman, The Office, Lost, NASCAR, football in the fall, etc. etc.)
- Hanging out with roommates
- I could think of a couple more bullet points, but you get the point.

So for now and the forseeable future, I'm just using the blog to update my friends on things that I'm up to. A secondary use is writing something that I would also write up on the T2V message board, but I'll just link it from T2V board to here since it would be silly to write it up twice.

Chances are I'll be away from the blog for a little over a week. My vacation started Tuesday when I got home from work and the plane takes off at 8:40am to Ohio! I'll be in Ohio until next Wednesday (July 1st) and I actually have jury duty scheduled on July 2nd....and then July 4th weekend at work. So who knows when the next time I'll get on here will be. Just check back every few days or so if you'd like.

Have a great week everyone!


Anonymous said...

Have a great vacation and enjoy Cedar Point. We were there last summer and it was fun - but really muggy Hot! Jenn

Anonymous said...

Ok Rob, but it was worth a shot to mention it since I'm sure you have some good stories of dealing on the strip and the stuff u must see. Keep up the good blogging!!!


Jamie in PA said...

We are counting on you for a good Cedar Point story. Who knows... you may even see me there. We are toying with a weekend getaway to fabulous Sandusky!! If you can, take Danielle to the Carousel museum downtown. It's pretty nice.