Thursday, July 9, 2009

We Don't Need No Stinking Badgers!

Wow, has it been eight days already since I got back from vacation!!!

As referenced a couple posts ago, many things have priority over the blog......but I HAVE been very lazy in getting something new up on here! So to keep me honest, I WILL work on a vacation post and maybe some other stuff after getting off of work Thursday night. I promise.

Oh, and thanks to Mikey for proofreading my last post title. I always get desert and dessert mixed up!!

Oh, one more thing, my results in the Ohio State football ticket lottery were the Iowa game! Very quick math tells me that only about 2-4% of the allotted tickets were for that particular game (most being the first game of the season against Navy). So, in theory, I was very lucky in the lottery! However, my trip home in the fall will be for the road trip to the Indiana game and then I plan on going to the Wisconsin home game the Saturday after before heading back to Vegas. So I'm advertising it to ANYONE that I am in need of two OSU vs. Wisconsin tix on October 10th and I'd certainly be willing to trade you the two Iowa tickets for them!