Friday, July 31, 2009

A different view/perspective

Danielle and I took another hike on Wednesday. More pictures are still to come, but first let's review a previous hike that we did to give you an idea of exactly where we were on Wednesday. The first three pictures below are of the Cathedral Rock hike that we did a month or so ago.

Here is Cathedral Rock as seen from the parking lot. It's way up there isn't it!!

Here's a picture I took as we neared the top of Cathedral Rock. It's looking down at the avalanche chute that we crossed to start the climb up onto Cathedral Rock. Gettin' pretty high, aren't we!!!!

Here's a picture that I took standing on top of Cathedral Rock looking down at the parking lot where the first picture was took. Man, that's high!!!!!

And here is a picture that I took on Wednesday. See anything familiar in the picture?
In case you don't recognize the perspective and angle that the picture was taken from, that linear green area in the middle of the picture is the same avalanche chute from two pictures above. The rock structure just to the right and in the foreground of the chute is Cathedral Rock!!

The hike on Wednesday was composed of starting up the North Loop trail, hiking to the Raintree, taking a detour to Mummy Springs, hiking to the intersection of North Loop and Trail Canyon and then hiking down Trail Canyon trail. This one took two cars, which was a first for me. We hiked about 6.7 miles, it took 6 hours and 20 minutes (including many stops to rest and eat) and we got higher than on any hike to date, over 10,000 feet.

The elevation changed over 1500 feet in the first two miles and it really had me sucking air several times. But it was REALLY worth it. The views from before Raintree all the way to the trail intersection were AWESOME.....the best out of any hikes so far! So I'll try to get more pictures up in the next few days.