Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Movin'on up!

I've had the best intentions of finally making a big post that would include pictures of the trip back to Ohio, some casino stuff, my thoughts on the Buckeyes, and a whole bunch of other stuff, but between work and other things....I just haven't had the motivation.

Much of the day on Monday was spent getting ready to move again, with Tuesday being the U-haul day. It's 5am as I type this and I have to get up in about 3 hours to meet Danielle and pick up the truck. UGH! I.........HATE..........MOVING!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure I've mentioned this in the blog yet, but a long while ago Danielle and I decided to move in and we've just been waiting for my lease here at the house to run out. The time is up! Chris and my other two roommates are moving over to a different house only a block or so from here and I'm heading back to Henderson. It's actually right across the street from where Mikey and I had our apartment, so I'm obviously very familiar with the area.

Wish me luck with the U-haul and crap! Maybe I'll write something worth reading once I get settled into the new digs.