Thursday, June 10, 2010

Can't take the heat!

Desperate times call for desperate measures. On Monday I ordered an item online that I didn't think I'd ever buy. As you can see from the picture, its a very weird-ass looking tie thingy that you velcro around your neck after soaking it in water. I guess its got some crazy material in there that acts with the water and keeps it hydrated for a few hours while slowly evaporating the water and cooling down the person wearing it. I got it (I actually bought two) in the mail today, got it wet, and it does seem to keep the water for a pretty long time.

The advertisement from the company selling it states that its "low profile and perfect to wear under uniforms", so I figured it would be perfect. However, I'm thinking that the "uniforms" it was referring to were maybe construction worker uniforms, etc. It seems just a tad too bulky to get under my t-shirt and what's basically a golf-shirt type uniform that I wear to the casino.

I HAD to try something though. This past week has seen temperatures around 110 degrees every damn day and the casino is basically a sauna! The retards who run the place absolutely refuse to close the freakin' doors and the air handling system is old to begin with. It just can't keep up with the heat, and as a matter of fact, actually BLOWS HOT AIR about 1/3 of the time making it AT LEAST as hot as the actual temperature outside. I honestly have no freakin' idea why any tourist would actually play in those conditions. Yet, everyday, they do for some unknown reason.

The daytime high tomorrow is supposed to be 98, so I'm definitely going to give this thing a try. I really don't care how utterly ridiculous it might make me look. When its this hot, work is NOT a way to get tips or earn a wage. Work is merely 8 hours of tolerance before escaping back to the lukewarm, yet cooler condo!


Jamie in PA said...

We use something similar to that when we are riding our motorcycle on long trips. Works pretty well.
Jamie in PA