Monday, October 22, 2007

Video Experimentation

I haven't really had much time or energy to post in the last few days, but I thought I'd get on today and see if I could figure out how to post a video within this blog. The one that I'm trying to post is a short clip from a Roger Waters concert I attended here in Vegas in June. In case you don't know, Waters was the bassist and chief composer within Pink Floyd, until they split up in the early 80's. I'm a huge fan and it was an AWESOME show!!! You can read all about my review over on the travel2vegas message board at the following address:

Cool, I believe we have success! This might open up a little more possibilities for my blog, but not many really. I'm not super fancy yet. The only means I have of taking video is my little camera phone. As evidenced by some past posts (Mark May picture, Nacho picture, etc.), my phone has the potential to take some kickass pics if the lighting is right. But the videos are a different story. It can only take 15 second videos and, as you can see, the audio isn't the greatest in the world.