Tuesday, December 18, 2007

A little update

I've had a couple friends email me lately asking how I'm doing at work and what my status is out here in Vegas, so I thought I'd just give an update on the blog.

Unfortunately, I've seen better days since moving to Vegas. If you've followed from the beginning, you know that Chris and I (Chris being the guy I moved out here with) both broke into our dealing careers at Nevada Palace, a complete piece of s**t casino out on Boulder Highway that offered $1 craps and $1 blackjack. Not to get off the subject, but if you're looking for some cheap gaming, Nevada Palace has completely eliminated its table games in preparation for its much deserved demolition within the upcoming year.

I can give you a list of a hundred reasons why working at the NP sucked complete arse! However, there were a couple positives. First, with the exception of one asshat over there, all of the supervisors were really cool to work for! They realized we were making next to nothing and interacted with us with that in mind. Secondly, I was working a full 40 hours per week. So even though our tokes there were horrible (only about $34/day plus our minimum wage base pay), I was still able to save a little money up every month and the bank account was not taking any hits.

After only two months at Nevada Palace, I was "fortunate" enough to get an audition at my current casino and started there shortly thereafter. I have intentionally refrained from posting any info on my blog about my exact employment whereabouts in Vegas (due to some very negative experiences my roommate has seen through his blog), but you're obviously supposed to know if indeed you do. I will tell you that the average toke day at my current place is somewhere in the $110-$120 range. Pretty good, right???

Not really. One aspect of being a casino dealer in Vegas is that once you get your foot in the door of a good casino, you have to spend time as an "extra board" dealer, which means you're part-time while waiting for a full-time position to open. While extra-board like me, you can be scheduled for ANY amount of hours during the week, you can be sent home at ANY time during a shift, and you have NO IDEA when a full-time position will open up for you. At this point, I've been at my current place for 8 months, but for all I know, it could be another 8 months before becoming full-time.

The reason I bring this up is these past couple of weeks have seen my scheduled hours plummet! Yep, for some reason, the powers-that-be have decided that the 2 weeks leading up to Christmas is a good time to give me exactly 2 days and 1 day per week respectively. This is my "one day" week, so I'm sitting here kind of depressed feeling like I'm unemployed.

It's kind of a like the straw that broke the camel's back, because I just decided to apply to the place that Chris now works at on the Strip. For reasons already stated, I won't tell you where that is, but I will say the toke days are about $30-$40 less per day than at my casino. However, Chris has never received less than 4 days per week (usually 5), he is NEVER sent home early, and he describes his casino as a "blast to work in", with fun players and a severe lack of fleas!! So I'm kind of excited about this possible avenue.

I'll keep ya posted. If I happen to get the job over there, I could:
- try to work both places hoping that my hours stay down at my current place
- have a change of heart and turn down the new job
- quit my current place and work at the new one only

Whatever happens, wish me luck. Despite the setbacks, I have enjoyed this Vegas adventure so far and want to see it through!


Anonymous said...

Good Luck! You can do it! I think working both places would be a good idea for a little while.

Anonymous said...

Good luck, Rob....ya know ya got a board full of support...we'll toast to your scucess in 99 days.

Incidentally, I followed your lead and also now allow nonsubscribers to post on my blog.