Friday, July 9, 2010

Forever is a Long Time

So I just ordered stamps online at the USPS web site. I ordered 3 books of 20 forever stamps, which should probably last me about 3 years!! I didn't do this in reaction to the impending rate hike (which I think will occur next January). I just needed stamps and wanted to make sure I wouldn't have to worry about buying new ones for a very long time.

First, it was a royal pain in the ass ordering stamps from the fine folks at the United States Postal Service. I had to create passwords, security questions, lower case letter here.....upper case letter least one number...etc. etc. Billing address, shipping address....HOLY SHIT! I JUST WANT TO ORDER STAMPS!!!

The oddity is that I had to pay $1.00 shipping and handling. Huh?? Couldn't they just take one damn stamp out of one of the booklets I was ordering and mail it to me that way? I'm ordering a product from the service that sends me the product and I have to pay shipping on that product?

This 20 minute ordeal is a microcosm of why the USPS is in so much financial trouble! UPS and have my business!


Hurricane Mikey said...

I bought mine at face-value at Costco. A hundred for $44 I think it was.