Monday, July 19, 2010

When will it end????

Snow. I want snow!!!! I want to have to start my car 15 minutes before driving it to de-ice it! I want to bundle up during the day and snuggle into bed at night while an arctic wind whips at the windows and blizzard conditions prevail as children everywhere excitedly anticipate a snowy escape from school! I want to have to pay for a premium car wash to make sure the rock salt is cleaned out from under my car.

What brought this on? I just got in from walking the dog at 3 o'clock in the morning. Yes, 3AM, not the afternoon. The CURRENT TEMPERATURE IS 93 degrees!!!!!!! 93 freaking degrees during the coolest part of the day! To top it off, we actually have a 25% humidity, which for the desert, is very high! I can definitely feel the humidity too.

Two more days of work, including frying my hands on the car steering wheel, walking through the blast of 140 degree hot air in the parking garage, and generally being in a sweaty, pissy mood until my first day off in 8 days on Wednesday when I'll be able to escape the heat and enjoy a day of hiking in 85 degree weather at Mount Charleston.


Anonymous said...

Quit you whining!!!LOL Come back to beautiful Ohio and enjoy the 95 degrees and 75% humidity. You will feel like a sponge in no time!!