Thursday, November 15, 2007

College Daze

Another result of rummaging through boxes while back home last month resulted in this find, a picture of myself and my two roommates in my freshman dorm room at Ohio State. This picture would be circa autumn of 1993. That's Corey in the background and Tony (who regularly posts here) in the foreground. If you click on the picture, it'll enlarge it which shows how grainy the picture actually is. These were the days when email was a brand new fancy tool for communication and picture phones with digital cameras were still a thing of the future. I've always wondered what it would have been like if picture phones did exist back then. It's kind of scary what would have been caught on digital film!!

Okay, let's see what we can gleam from the pic. First off, when you compare this with my profile pic, there's a rather large weight difference! I think my driver's liscense listed me at around 135lbs back then, soak 'n' wet! Secondly, WHAT'S THE DEAL WITH THE ENORMOUS GLASSES!!! Man, I forgot how lame those things were. Of course, Barry Foster was all the rage with Steeler fans, the Nintendo gaming system in the bottom right is a testament to the dorm floor's Techno Superbowl tournaments, and the poster right behind my head was of Ohio State's national championship team from 1968 featuring greats such as Jack Tatum, Rex Kern and Jim Stillwagon. Oh, and let's not overlook my stylish stonewash Levi's jeans!

The EXACT spot that I was sitting in this pic is right where I had my very first extemely negative reaction to a 6-pack of Keystone Dry and vodka/Hawaiin Punch, probably not long after this picture was taken. Actually, it was almost to the minute when Joe Carter hit that home run to win the World Series for Toronto that year!

Okay, I could fill a blog with stories from that first semester at OSU, but at this point I should take the fifth.


Michael said...

WOW, the memories...

Tony's computer is not shown. Remember, the 486. The big game back then was X-Wing and Tie Fighter. I could never fly, but I was a damn good co-pilot.

Let me tell you, if you think that the keystone, vodka, and hawaian punch combination is horrible, try my experience. Being the instigator, getting your friend drunk, watching him paint the walls with it, and feeling bad and cleaning it up while he passes out. That's much worse.

Thanks for the memories

Rob said...

Like I said "M", I'm damn glad digital cameras and camera phones had not become mainstream back then! Although I'd probably have enough bloggin fodder for about 20 years!!

Commonsense said...

Wow. Memories I thought I had killed off during beer trivia night at donato's. Believe the other posters are none other than Andy Van Slyke and Bobby Bonilla. This photo also shows the humiliation Corey suffered calling into and being rejected by Brutus while scheduling classes either that or his latest Tecmo defeat at the hands of Bruce.

Jo said...

What is really sad is that nothing has changed....