Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Remembering Myron Cope

Here's a little tribute for the voice of the Steelers, Myron Cope. My friend Tony brought his passing to my attention this morning. I will say that I am extremely sad to hear this news, but actually wish it affected me more, knowing that I was not privy to this man's radio calls and personality for the most part. One problem with being a die-hard Steeler fan who grew up completely within the confines of Ohio is that I was never able to be directly associated with the team as a local. In fact, I would say that Nev Chandler would probably be my all-time NFL radio announcer, even though he was the voice of the clowns in the '80s.

I do own three terrible towels though. The rare times I was able to hear a game (or post-game show) called by Myron were quite enjoyable. He had an extremely distinctive voice, always had fun with his play-by-play guy, and certainly showed an undying love for both the Steelers and the city of Pittsburgh. I just wish I had known him a little better.