Saturday, February 9, 2008

Rosebud Frozen Peas

Yet another clip that will have Matt (and myself) rolling every time we see it. The Critic was one of the most underrated shows in my opinion! Of course, this clip will be even funnier if you have seen the movie Citizen Kane AND are aware of the problems Orson Wells fell into later in his life.


Anonymous said...

Green pea-ness.

I wonder what the Jolly Green Giant thinks about Orson?

Anonymous said...

I was clicking around this post and found some history on this! Listen to the old tape of Orson recording some TV ads.

I was listening and it triggered a memory of an old Pinky & The Brain cartoon from the Animaniacs show. I never got the reference until now! I can’t find the original cartoon audio, but this clip has the Orson audio cut in with the minimal Animaniacs additions. The original cartoon had the Brain, who had the voice parodying Orson(I always got that reference), saying exactly what is on the Orson tape. Other than taking out the cursing and adding the ending, it is the same.

Now the multiple instances of Orson being the pitch man in The Critic get even funnier.

Rob said...

LOL. I completely forgot about that last clip. "Yes, oh yes. They're even better raw!!" LMAO