Thursday, September 10, 2009

Sad News

I just wanted to acknowledge some very sad news that I received yesterday. Brandt, a guy that I dealt dice with over at Sunset Station passed away last week at the age of 37. Unfortunately, I really can't call him my friend.....more of an acquaintance. That's unfortunate because he really was an awesome guy to work with for those 7 months or so and I really wish I'd have gotten to know him better. But when Sunset decided my services were no longer needed, I pretty much lost touch with my graveyard dealing buddies over there. He was, by a wide margin, my favorite guy to deal craps with! He had a great sense of humor and I remember trading recipe ideas, science fiction theories, and stories about a guy named George....our common enemy on graveyard! It made those slow nights pass a little more quickly! I also learned a ton from him, mostly about dealing craps, but some other industry tips as well!

I haven't run into him in person in well over a year, but we've emailed each other about once every 3 months or so (mostly so I can feed my evil curiosity on the state of Station Casinos). And every once in a while he'd make an appearance on this blog with comments written under the name "Javier". You may also remember that I had his blog linked over to the right for a while until he lost interest in it. Feel free to go visit it though. The old movie reviews might give you a chuckle or two!

He was married with three kids.


Jim (Jimbucc) said...

Wow, that is way too young to go.