Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Flea Wannabe

Not much time to post today, but I did want to say that I found a perfect way to completely kill 3 hours between the end of my shift this morning and the opening of the human resources office. That would be:
-walk to Slots-A-Fun
-play $1 blackjack for 3 hours
-walk back from Slots--A-Fun with my nice $5 profit!!!

Now I can buy an extra gallon of gas! I should post more about that interesting 3 hours, but Rob needs his sleepy!

Oh, but one thing before I go.....I saw the most horrifying sign while at good ole Slots-A-Fun..........

$3 Let-It-Ride!!!


Hurricane Mikey said...

$3 Let It Ride?

Oh my god could you even imagine being the poor schlub of a dealer that has to deal that game? Man, talk about the seventh circle of Hell.

FleaStiff said...

You had the option of going to a more upscale casino and playing for higher stakes but chose instead to immitate the action of a flea not only by playing blackjack for one dollar but by foregoing the LIR because it was too rich for flea-blood? So why not just go to the High Roller Area of an upscale casino and kill 3 hours playing blackjack there?

Rob said...

"immitate the action of a flea"

I admit that I was playing $1 blackjack for 3 hours. However, I was in a good mood and joked around with the dealer and players. I made dealer bets. I did not chain-smoke. Even though I had just worked an 8-hour shift, I did not appear to have slept in my car that night. I was only there for 3 hours instead of 8-10! How is any of that "imitating the action of a flea"?

"So why not just go to the High Roller Area of an upscale casino and kill 3 hours playing blackjack there?"

I said I had 3 hours to kill, not $800 to kill. I gain a modest paycheck these days and I live below my means.

"foregoing the LIR because it was too rich for flea-blood"

Ugh, for some unknown reason I feel the need to dignify that comment with a reply. There are three reasons I did not play the $3 Let It Ride game:

1. I'm not a moron who likes to waste money on the most horrible game in the casino.
2. Anything above a buck per hand would have been too much that morning. As stated above, I was trying to kill time, not a days worth of tokes.
3. It WASN'T OPEN dude! It was 5am! The blackjack table was the only live game in the damn place!

Javier1171 said...

A modest bet does not make a flea. Most of us who deal could not afford to consistently shell out the hundreds of dollars these people waste on a daily basis. Even your cheapest flea spends on average a hundred a day in a casino. At the same time there are high rollers that are bigger fleas than some nickel players. The term flea generally refers to a gambling addict that plays 5 or more times a week for 5 or more hours at a time (usually way more) , is indifferent or belligerent to the staff, tries to cheat the various games they play, get as much free stuff as possible , chain smoke , drink excessively ,rarely bath and most importantly DO NOT TIP EVER. So in Rob's defense, at a horrible game like dollar blackjack (been there done that) he would be a much welcome site. Dealers are not all money grubbing heartless, soulless automatons expecting something for nothing. While, yes it is no secret all or 90% of our money comes from tips, we don't instantly hate every one who doesn't tip. Sometimes a player is losing big, is new and doesn't know better or is just extremely broke that day. (in case of a local) Just remember if the dealer is helping you, you are winning or hell you just got laid, share the wealth and tip the poor bastard. Yes for a dollar a roll , less than the price of a cup of coffee, you too can sponsor a dealer. Your dollar will help pay for much needed services like prescription medication, fast food, cigarettes, alcohol, whores and alimony. Each month you will receive a letter from your dealer with an updated photo of him or her so you can see how he or she is doing. So please bet for us now before it is to late.