Thursday, June 26, 2008

A Lazy Move

I can say, for the time-being, that I have two pads in Vegas! My computer is still all hooked up at the apartment (where I'm writing this), but the desk and all other big things are gone. The main reason I'm still hanging out here at the apt is the fact that the gas has yet to be turned on at the house and I have about 3 loads of laundry to get done over here. Aside from the computer, my only possessions still here at the apartment are the stragglers that I was not able to get ready for the U-haul and could not fit into my car during yesterday's trip. They include a roll of duct tape, tool box, some clothes, and my air mattress/air pump that served me so well the first six months I was in Vegas with no bed!

The move Tuesday night was incredibly exhausting! After working a jammed up craps table for 8 hours, Chris and Jeff met me over here with the U-haul and helped me load up the couch, chair, ottoman, tv stand, tv, receiver, dvd player, speakers, mattress/box spring/frame, computer desk, nightstand, and about 7 misc. boxes and dufflebags full of crap. All of it was then moved into the house, where I immediately rehooked up the entire entertainment center and tried to get my things in order before taking a cold shower (remember, no gas) and getting to bed. I had to be at work at noon the next day. All three of us agreed that if we did move out of this new house, it will be AT LEAST 16 months down the road to avoid hauling furniture all day in 107 degree heat!!!

Around 8am, I awoke to the doorbell when the Direct TV guy got there. I only had about 4 hours of sleep at that point, but figured I'd just let him in and let Chris/Jeff take care of him. I showed him the living room where my entertainment center is located and then took him upstairs where he'd need to install the Direct TV in Chris' room. Upon entering the room, we were both met by a very DRUNK Chris and Jeff, who had NOT been to bed yet and who had downed about 2 bottles of tequila! Of course, they tried to get the Direct TV guy to do some shots with them and I just went back to bed. Again, I awoke about an hour later when the Direct TV guy was finishing up and needed someone's signature. Both Jeff and Chris were completely passed out at that point, so I signed the documents and sat down to fiddle around with the remote/DVR gadgets.

The new house is definitely an upgrade from this apartment in many ways. The main thing is the "elbow room". Sharing the house with 2 guys is WAY better than sharing this small apartment with Mikey due to the huge square footage difference. This apartment is so small that the two of us literally cannot co-exist in the kitchen at the same time! Aside from the square footage difference though is the fact that both Jeff and Chris pretty much keep to their rooms and almost never come out except to use the kitchen. That means I'll never have to share the TV with anyone and it also means I pretty much have total control over the entire living room, dining room, my bedroom, bathroom and the additional spare room upstairs, which I have use due to the fact that I took the smallest bedroom/bathroom of the three. The small room/bathroom means I'm paying $25 less per month in rent than Chris, who has the master, AND he is picking up the ENTIRE Direct TV tab every month. So if I ever get annoyed with the small bedroom, I only need to go out into my spacious living room and watch free Direct TV to feel better! It'll be an even better deal when the NHL season rolls around due to Chris needing his precious NHL Center Ice, which he'll add onto the Direct TV at that time. Now if I can only talk him into getting the NFL package!!

I've taken care of some other boring stuff today as well. Pretty much everyone that needs my new address has it (credit cards, work, etc. etc.) and I opened up accounts at a new bank today since my current bank has no branches anywhere near my new house. Tomorrow night is Weird Al here in Henderson. Since I'll be in the area anyway, I'll probably stop by and load up the computer at that point, which will just leave the cleaning for Sunday night and the Monday morning walk-through with the maintenance guy to hand in the keys and say goodbye to this apartment, which served me pretty well over the past 12 months!


FleaStiff said...

>and my air mattress/air pump that served me so
>well the first six months I was in Vegas with no bed!
Wow! Such adventures. Congratulations and best wishes in your new digs.

Anonymous said...

Moving is always a bitch. It sounds like you will be fine once you get settled in.