Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Unexpected Phone Call

I don't have much time to post tonight, but with my friends arriving in town within hours, I figured this might be the last opportunity for the week.

The biggest news of the day is that I finally got a phone call from that Strip property I was talking about a few weeks ago asking if I'd like to come in for an interview in the morning. Although the timing of it all couldn't have been worse (I worked tonight, the interview is in the morning, and my friends are landing at 9am), I'm glad they called. It's not the best Strip job in any way, shape or form, but the money is better than my current place and I wouldn't have to deal to a bunch of degenerate stroking flea-bags for eight hours a night!

So wish me luck. At this point I'm not quite sure if I'd try to work both jobs for a while or what, but I obviously don't have to make any decisions until this place offers me a job, which isn't in the bag just yet.


Unknown said...

Best of luck, dude. Hope you get what you need and deserve!

Anonymous said...

Good luck on the interview, Rob. I'm sure you'll knock 'em dead. Or break a leg. Or some good luck sign!