Monday, April 14, 2008

First Day of School

Well, that's kind of what it feels like. I'm currently awake at 5:30am in preparation for my 7:45 start-time at orientation for my new job on the Strip. No, I do not want to be awake right now, but my body has gotten used to being active overnight. I tried to go to bed at 11pm, got a few hours of sleep, here I am wide awake in the pre-dawn hours dreading my full day of what I can only guess are team-building exercises and warnings of sexual harassment! Since I'm used to going to bed between 8am and 11am, watch for me to completely hit a wall at noon, with four full hours left in the Go Team Company first day agenda.

I'll try to fill everyone in on my week's activities, provided there is anything worth writing about. Seriously, I still have NO freakin' clue how a company can fill 40 total hours of orientation over an entire work-week. The one and only slice of information that has somewhat piqued my interest (aside from the promise of free lunches) are the instructions to "wear comfortable shoes for your exclusive tour".

As far as my last night of work went on Saturday night, it sucked per usual. I swear, that company has completely beaten my mental health to a pulp these past couple of months, and I felt like a huge monkey had been shot off my back when I finally punched out for the last time. The normal idiot fleas and gang-bangers were present, as well as just about everything else that has made the decision to leave extremely easy for me. As an absolute final karate chop to the crotch, they sent my 3 crewmates home while I was on break at 2:40am, and forced me to work with 3 guys on graveyard on the lone open table, which was then JAM-PACKED with idiots because of the other table closing. It also included 45 minutes of overtime! Yep, not a full hour......the graveyard supervisor sweats the money SO MUCH there that she forced me home at 4:45am, working me until the very last minute. Since I wanted to wait until 5am for the uniform room to open, it meant I just sat there for 15 unpaid minutes when all I wanted to do was escape the clutches of this place!

But I digress. Aside from going in after my orientation today to sign the final resignation papers and turn in my name badge/card swipe, I doubt if I'll ever have a reason to enter that hellhole again. See ya!!!

In other news, Danielle and I took advantage of my lone day-off yesterday to go see Vantage Point at the theater, starring Dennis Quaid among others. I kind of liked it and thought the continuity was pretty decent. I have noticed that most online reviews were either crappy or mixed. If you've seen it, I'd like to know what make and model that blue car is in the final chase scene with Quaid. It's some sort of Super Car that can take a crash down stairs, a t-bone, and a crash through 2 parked cars while still running at peak performance!

Wish me luck in my first day with the new Strip company. I'm hoping this little foray turns out better than my last!


Anonymous said...

I found a sweet website this weekend. I think your car may be a Chevy Astra, known here in the states as a Saturn Astra.

Oh man, I'm a car geek.

Anonymous said...

Rob,now that you don't work there can you let us in on the name of the Hell hole? Dave

Rob said...


Since I officially signed the resignation papers today, I'll let you know that its Boulder Station. I, and everyone else, agrees that the casino itself is not bad. It has a good atmosphere physically, the restaurants are decent, most of the floor sups and dealers are good, and the gaming rules are pretty player-friendly. However, the neighborhood that it's located in is "ghetto meets white trash trailer parks", which brings in the rock bottom dwellers I've mentioned. Management makes it worse by offering ridiculously low table minimums that they refuse to raise, even during extremely busy times.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Rob, played there a few times, didn't think it was too bad, but being there every week, you would see much more than I would in see in just a few trips. Best of Luck in your new adventure!!!!! Dave

Anonymous said...

Boulder Station wasn't that bad when I was there last month, but I was there pretty early in the evening.

It's definitely in the crotch of two undesirable neighborhoods, which is unfortunate. Station casinos tend to be pretty decent places, for the most part, and the ones that aren't seem to be getting attention.

Regardless, good luck at the new place, Rob! Once you get settled in, I'll have to stop by and give you a little grief. :)

Anonymous said...

Good Luck at your new place!

Jay from Ohio