Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Thanks for those of you who chimed in with your kind words. The past week has been pretty emotionally draining, but there's no rest for the weary as I just got home from my Monday night/Tuesday morning shift. I woke up in Ohio at 3:15am EST and I'm now writing this post at 3:26am Pacific time. That's one LONG day!!!

3am - wake up in Sandusky, Ohio
4am - leave to drive to Detroit
6am - arrive at airport
7:30am EST - plane takes off
8:50am PST - plane lands in Vegas (3 hour time change making the day that much longer)
9:10am - Danielle picks me up and we find a place for breakfast
12pm - Nap time!
5pm - get up and watch some hockey
6:50pm - leave for work and eat at the employee dining room
8pm - punch into work
2:30am - leave work after eating again in the dining room
3am - here I am

With the 3 hours of sleep I got the night before, the 2 hours of sleep on the plane and the 4 or 5 hours of sleep I got after getting home, I was fairly alert at work. It's a good thing it was a short shift though (I don't take EO, it was simply a scheduled 6-hour shift) because I really started to hit the wall on the drive home. I am definitely still trying to shake this cold and I really need a good 8 hours of sleep to get me back into the groove of things.

Hopefully I'll have some interesting things to report the next couple of days. On Wednesday and Thursday nights I'll be on the dice table for the first time at my new place, so I'm looking forward to that!


Anonymous said...


I've been nonexistant on the blogs and T2V basically since March due to family issues and home-based issues. Sounds like you got yourself a new job and you've been thru alot. Shoot me a PM ofver on T2V when you have a chance and fill me in ont he details!


P.S. Heading to Vegas in June...