Saturday, May 10, 2008

Full Circle

I took a big chance in my life, resigning a good college gig to move out west.

I toiled for months taking classes at dealer's school while commuting from Ohio to Detroit.

I suffered a few months of unemployment in preparation for my big move.

Chris and I were almost frozen solid on our trip out to Nevada.

We spent even more time in dealer's school while still not working.

I suffered through two months of breaking in at a complete s**thole of a place dealing $1 blackjack and $1 craps!

I spent 10 months at a good place, making very little money while working about 15-20 hours per week, hoping to someday become full time.

I was laid off from the good place and spent another 2 months at an equally s**tty place as my break-in joint.

I endured 3 interviews/auditions and an entire week of orientation to get into a Strip property where tips are still much less than the aforementioned good place.

And it's all been worth it............because............last night...........for the very first time.........I was asked to deal...........


The picture obviously isn't of the big wheel at my casino. Let me tell you, I have never been more depressed about the state of man than now, after dealing two total hours worth on the Big Freakin' Wheel! Actually, I never really had many players, but during those two sessions, I heard the following quotes coming out of people's mouths:

Drunk Lady #1: How do you play this?

-Rob explains-

Drunk Lady #1: Uh, I still don't really get it, but I'll try!

Dude #1: I'm putting my last $5 on the 'one'.

Dude#2: Bro, that's a sucker bet, put it on the 'five' or 'ten' instead!

Drunk Lady #2: Uh, it's a $2 minimum bet on any bet? I thought I could just bet $1 on the 'one' and $1 on the 'two'.

Rob: Nope, you'd have to bet $4 total to do that.

Drunk Lady #2: Oh, then just give me my money back then.
-She expected me to be able to reach back into the drop box somehow and magically bring back her ten dollar bill. When I pointed her toward the cage, she was visibly annoyed.

Random Guy #1: Where can I find a pool table around here?

Rob: Dude, its the Strip. I really don't know!

Random Guy #2: Where's a good techno club around here?

Rob: I don't know.

Random Guy #3: Where's a Subway around here?
-I politely told him where to find one.

Random Guy #4 (at 12:30am): Where are some good shows around here?

Rob: Well there's the 2nd City show at the Flamingo, which I've always liked. You can also check out George Wallace there and I've always had a good time at the Improv at Harrah's.

Random Guy #4: Cool, where can I go get tickets?

Rob: Well, the ticket offices are obviously closed, but if you want to see one tomorrow night, I'd get to the ticket office as early as you can in the morning.

Random Guy #4: Oh, you mean they don't play tonight. We wanna see one tonight!!

Rob (to himself): It's almost 1 o'clock in the f**cking morning jackass!! Are you kidding me!!

Rob (out loud): You're out of luck man. They don't play at 1am.

Honestly, most Let It Ride players just kind of sit there and don't talk (unless they're bitching about their lousy cards). Apparently, the Big Freakin' Six Wheel players are exactly like Let It Ride players, but who also say what is on their "mind". They should also replace the Big Wheel with a simple information desk, because that's what I was for most of those 2 hours. The quotes above didn't include the multiple times I directed people to the bathroom, the casino eateries, the casino bars, and my all-time favorite question, "Uh, what casino am I in again?". I got that one about a half-dozen times!

Oh well, my other two games were 3-card poker and a $10 blackjack shoe game, so the shift went relatively quickly. Now I have two full days off to try to catch up on some laundry, rock out with Rush, and meet up with Danielle's parents for a 2nd time on Sunday for a Mother's Day lunch. I don't know how well that will go though seeing as how we're meeting them at a time which is normally smack dab in the middle of the night for me! We'll see.


Anonymous said...

You are WAY too funny dude! Loved it!

I work part time at a call center taking pizza orders, and do you know HOW many times I comment to myself the answer I would really like to give them??

The ones that get me are the people who want pizza delivery AND DON'T KNOW THEIR ADDRESS. How the F do you think we are going to deliver it? Should we just guess out of the 1/2 million houses in our city where your's is?

I then have to repeat to myself, "This isn't my real job, this isn't my real job, I don't HAVE to do this!"

It helps!

Unknown said...

I always wonder why at the Flamingo (and pretty much every property on the strip) they have the wheel way in back. With the glut of money-grubbing, flashy machines they have right at the entrance, I always thought they'd get far more stupid, drunk-ass action with it up near the front. Imagine the comedy gold for dealers as some idiot with a yard long slushy drink feels the need to just sit down at the spinny wheel to make the room stop spinning...

And you have my sympathy. Every time we walk past that wheel (and when I mentioned this hilarious post to the hubby) the hubby wonders out loud how badly you have to piss someone off to be on that wheel. Apparently, it's the alternative to Let it Ride.

Rob said...

The big wheel is still way better than Let it Ride! Don't let my post mislead you, I was actually dead for the majority of the time, just people-watching and spinning the wheel every once in a while like I'm supposed to (I guess to get people drawn toward it). Also, the other two games on the string really aren't that bad, so it's not a case where I pissed someone off. It just happened to be my turn at the big freakin' wheel!

jazzguy said...

Since you have slammed Let It Ride and the Big Six Wheel, about the only game left for serious gamblers is Keno.

FleaStiff said...

LOL, Jazzguy!
Keno? The usual advice is that if there is ever an earthquake in a casino, run to the keno room because nothing ever hits there! Anyone who plays against such a high house edge has got to be an utter fool.