Monday, May 26, 2008

The Most Random Blog Post EVER!

I got off of work at 5am this morning, after one hour of voluntary overtime. Unlike Mikey, I find it hard to spike a $700 night these days, so I gotta keep grinding away on the Strip.

While driving home and taking in the beautiful sunrise over the mountains to the east, I wondered how I would spend the rest of my "evening". I remembered that I had DVR'd the NASCAR Sprint Cup race the night before and I somehow kept from finding out the results during 9 hours of work. So I decided that I'd enjoy my Memorial Day weekend night/morning by watching the race, accompanied by a 12 pack of Corona and one 33 cent lime. So I stopped by the store on the way home and picked up the necessary supplies and came home to a very happy Mikey, who was now over $700 richer thanks to a great night at work! I guess I don't need to worry about him coming up with his half of the rent for our last month in the man-cave!!!

I made him even more happier by filling him on some shockingly unknown aspects of my life, and I also gave him two of my Coronas in a can.....poured into a pint glass with a lime wedge. We preceded to watch the NASCAR race, but he puttered out around lap 100, leaving me to root for my favorite driver (Bobby Labonte) by myself.

Well, good ole Bobby made a great run near the end of the race (coming back from two laps down) and finished 11th. Not bad, but it could have been a whole lot better if he'd taken two tires during the 2nd to last pit stop instead of 4. 4 tires just wasn't warranted in that situation, and I bet his crew chief is kicking himself this morning for making that call.

Anyway, as you could probably guess, the NASCAR race (which was 600 miles long, the longest race of the year) took a lot out of me. The combination of 9 hours of work and about 9 Coronas in a can accompanied by several lime wedges has made me pretty loopy as of 10:40am, which is when I'm making this blog post.

So in this state of mind, I was tempted to do something that pretty much every blogger has done in the past. That is make a top ten list. My top ten list would encompass the top ten rock guitarists of all-time. However, I am just at the point where I could probably real off ten really good musicians, but I also am aware that my state-of-mind would hinder me from making a list that could be interpreted as legitimate. So I will wait until a later time to make my list. However, I will wet your whistle a little by informing you that my top ten list will definitely include both David Gilmour and Steve Howe. That only leaves 8 remaining spots in my coveted top ten. Jimmi, Eric, Jeff,.....are you concerned????

So I got on the internet after watching the race (and humming the fight song for Michigan State for no apparent reason) and found out something completely shocking to me. I thought the guy who played Weird Al Yankovick's sidekick in the move UHF was Andrew McCarthy. However, come to find out, it was some little known character actor named David Bowe. What's up with that!!?? He's the one I think of when I am tempted to make a Twinkie Weiner Sandwich, not Weird Al himself.

Holy crap! I just thought of something. I know very well that Danielle (it just took me 4 minutes to figure out how to spell my own girlfriend's first name correctly) reads my blog on a regular basis. But what if she has told her parents about my blog. I never realized that that could be a possibility! Hello Mr. and Mrs. girlfriend's last name (yes, I know her last name but will not reveal it to the internet world, but I'll be damned if I remember both of her parent's first names). I've only met her parents twice, and the 2nd time was at 12 midnight (my midnight) on Mother's Day when I was still half-asleep and wondering how 4 guys from New Zealand made it from the Strip to a nondescript golf course in Anthem!

To read more about the capital of Nebraska, please visit this web site:

The capital of Nebraska is Lincoln!

Is it possible to get another 6-8 months out of my work shoes by simply buying insoles, new shoe strings and Kiwi "liquid shine"? I hope so! Those damn Rockports have served me well since I broke in at Nevada Palace, but they cost over $100 and they're becoming really rough around the edges!!

Believe it or not, I visited my very first strip club in Vegas the other night during a bachelor's party. I will not divulge which gentlemen's establishment it was, but I will say that I was a very good boy and spent less than $50 during the 3 hours that we were there. I would like to add that I am very concerned about the amount of tattoos found on the average Las Vegas professional dancer. It really doesn't do anything for me! Yet, the "tramp stamp" seems to be pretty much a requirement these days to work in a strip club, and some of the tattoos are WAY over the top, like those that include a dragon wrapping itself around the entirety of a women's leg. I mean, c'mon! That's just trying way too hard in my book! Yuck!!

Okay, I really need to get to bed now. It's almost noon, and after all , it IS a work-night/morning/almost afternoon. I work the 8pm-4am shift again tonight. Hopefully I'm not on the Big Six Wheel again like last night! By the way, I actually got my very first tip on the Big Six Wheel last night. I also had a guy who came up to the table asking if he could "change up" a black chip into red chips so that he could play. The "black chip" was a chip that simply said "official tournament play" on it and was obviously something he either bought off of ebay for 50 cents or found in a box of Sugar Smacks! I told him he could play the chip, but if he won, it would merely enroll him into a chance to win a free entry into the Jelly-of-the-Month club.

Here is a nice picture of the great English comedic actor, Benny Hill!


Anonymous said...

Igloo. Snake. Orange.

Just adding to the randomness.

I hope you've been asleep for a while. Judging by this post, you need it.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Yeah, that was pretty random.

Rob said...

Good lord! This post is ridiculous! Drunk + Blog = "Drog". I guess I've invented a word.

BTW, work was NOT fun. I had a hangover and had to do two full sessions on the Let it Ride table! I better get some sleep because I won't be able to half-ass my way through 8 hours on the dice table tonight!

Anonymous said...

benny hill. Comic.

see - two sentences. not one (unless there is a negative in there. shame on you Rob. I used to think it was great that He ended up being bigger in the USA than the UK.. until I moved here. you need to revise your ist of comics though and get that ignoramus outta there. Eric will be along later to confirm.....

Mike (nhe)!!