Friday, May 9, 2008


One of the great things about living in Vegas is that, sooner or later, every single band with a North American tour will eventually make its way out here to Sin City! Such is the case with Rush's 2007/2008 Snakes and Arrows tour. This Saturday night....Mandalay Bay Events Center.....Section 207 row K.....Danielle and I will be there!!!

Mikey has mentioned in the past that the downside of seeing concerts in Vegas is that they're always way overpriced compared to other parts of the country. That may be the case, but I have extremely high expectations of this show and thus, have invested the equivalent to an entire night's worth of tips for the ticket. In 2002, I saw The Who live in Columbus, Ohio (with Robert Plant leading in) and was completely blown away! A couple years later I saw Yes live in the Palace of Auburn Hills and was also amazed beyond belief. Last year at the MGM Garden Arena I saw Roger Waters live as he and his band played, among other things, the ENTIRE Dark Side of the Moon album from beginning to end! I was awestruck!!! Before each of these three performances I had a nagging worry in the back of my head that because all of these guys are getting up there in age, they might not put on the best of live performances anymore. That thought simply hasn't entered my mind with this Saturday's Rush show. I think I'm done with underestimating the show these "old-timers" can put on and thus, have very high expectations. I don't think my night of tips will go to waste.

Now I must add a disclaimer and say that I don't even own one Rush album. I definitely wouldn't call myself a big fan of the band, but like that Yes show did for me, I'll probably be a way bigger fan come Sunday morning. Before I laid down the cash and bought the ticket, I scoured the internet for reviews of the current tour and haven't found one damn bad or mediocre review yet! During my research, I came across the new vocabulary word that I made the title of this blog post. Pretty cool, eh?

So if anyone out there reading this has been to live Rush concerts in the past, or has actually been to one of the Snakes and Arrows shows, let me know what I can expect. I really hope its a blast!


Anonymous said...


Saw them in the old Richfield Colliseum during the 1993 Counterparts tour. I dont think you will be dissapointed. Especially considering that album wasnt one of their best. If you dont have any albums I would reccomend Early 80's Permanent Waves or Moving Pictures, or late 70's 2112.

Hope Neil Peart does a drum solo...the best I have EVER seen live. During the counterparts tour they actually lowered him into his drum set it was so big!

jazzguy said...

With ticket brokers buying up all the concert tickets and selling them at many times face value, are there any concert values anywhere?

Anonymous said...


I have seen them 4 times. They will not dissapoint. I hope they play "Dreamline" for you. It rocks live and the green lasers are cool. There is also a chance for inflatable rabbits and/or fire-breathing dragons. The stage show and video interactions are almost as good as the music. One tour featured Jerry Stiller! Please let us know what you thought of the show. Have fun!