Sunday, May 25, 2008

Nut Loaf

During my first year of college, a couple friends of mine spent WAY too long putting together this 5 second gem! It's what you get when you combine Dr. Dre with Meatloaf!



Michael said...

Ahh, the good old days. As a co-creator of ANYNUTS2, I can provide a little background. Those two songs were popular at the time. We made that sound to be the sound that plays when the computer starts. It was really funny watching the girls borrow the computer, get all excited that Meat Loaf was on his computer, and then the utter shock on their faces when Snoop came in.

This was done during the DORM days, probably around 93-94. So based on that, I would have to say that we were using a Windows for Workgroups OS, and a 386 or maybe even a 486 computer. Back then, we could only use 8 characters in the file name, and couldn't use spaces.